
Got a key to the city and a street in my name



5 Years
Extra large
07-01-2018, 10:55 PM
It was easy to believe the girl was new to the ranks if she hadn't known about Eclipse. So far Razi rather liked the curiosity Serene possessed. Some wolves found it irritating to be barraged with questions, but Razi chose to use some of her limited positivity and preferred to think of it as a sign of intelligence. That outlook probably kept her from wanting to ditch her kids in the woods as they endlessly peppered her with questions about every single thing they laid eyes on.

"I will certainly try to ensure that you are right about that. And, as a member of Risen you are welcome to visit anytime." she said. If the woman continued proving to be good company Razi might even look forward to a visit and a chat sometime. Fallen god knew she probably needed a few acquaintances to spend time with here and there.

When they crested the ridge overlooking the lake Razi wasn't disappointed by Serene's reaction. "Oh, yes," she called as she followed Serene, descending towards the lovely shimmering blue lake. There was a little more life near the water, as was to be expected. Small patches of grass tried hard to sprout near a few other small and hardy plants. Further down the shore to their right Razi even spotted a small sapling trying to take root. Truly, it was remarkable how resilient living things could be.

Seating herself near the water, Razi dipped a pa in to test the temperature. Barely glancing to Serene, she'd ask, "You are a healer, right? You smell of herbs."
[Image: r4X4w1S.png?1]