
war child [leviathan]



6 Years
07-02-2018, 07:17 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2018, 07:19 PM by Leviathan.)

It wasn't relationship advise he wanted from Sath, but she sure gave him her best. It just felt so great to get it off his chest especially immediately after the news, knowing that Mammon was his only source of release and who ever really understood his emotions.

He wouldn't really consider questioning Mammon, at least that's what he thought now. Of course he didn't think any infidelity towards their father would happen, he wasn't sure what to think at all. Maybe Mammon was leaving him aside and losing their touch. Something he didn't want to feel but sure was hitting his brain hard.

He wouldn't say much at all and as Sath went to rise in the darkening night, he would only look to her with a smile as if to thank her. He'd watch as she went to go into her own den inside the mountain, a moment to think of her offer. "Sath?" He'd turn around away from the setting sun, only to see that his dark sister was steps away from entering her home. He'd pull back knowing his voice was lost in the wind, etching a tiny grin before going to work his way back down the mountain.

He wasn't sleeping beside either of them tonight. Mammon could bitch all she wanted, but he knew if he stayed here with Sathanus, he would do something he regretted. His loose ties towards his other litter mate had always pulled strings on him. But he was trying hard to not let himself ruin whatever kind of relationship they actually had.

-Exit Leviathan-

Walk "Talk" Think

!Rated R! For Language and Sexual themes. Prone to Violence.

Those who can crash his threads: Mammon
Those who can powerplay him: Mammon

(Lee-vie-ah-thane Morning-star)

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Season: Spring
Status: Mated (Mammon), open for sex but not love
Size: 36 inches | Heavy

Important Details:

Plotting Thread