
Feelin' Blue



6 Years
07-02-2018, 09:50 PM
Winter was almost over which meant it would soon be time to head to Abaven. The closer spring got the more she felt the dread building within her. She didn’t want to leave, but she couldn’t really explain why. Something was helping her to feel like this was home when in reality it wasn’t, it had never been the plan. She was comfortable here and the time she had gotten to spend with Torin was pleasent. He was a quiet man, but something just pulled her to him. Maybe it was because she felt the need to repay him for his generousity, or maybe it was something else entirely. She just couldn’t figure it out and it frustrated her at times.

Since arriving she hadn’t really forced herself to be social with the other members of the pack. She had kept to herself mostly and she knew that wasn’t the best thing. She should be getting to know other members and be friendly. So today she had decided to set out and actually seek out another member of the pack. She wanted to try and form more relationships and discover who else lived within this pack. After all her uncle was highly involved with this pack so that must mean they had to be a good group of wolves. Maybe she could even make a few more friends while she was here.

Moving across the land the black and silver women kept her eyes peeled. Looking for the form of another wolf, someone who would be willing to spend some time with her. It didn’t take her long to spot a familiar form up ahead, a wolf she had seen at the meeting. Her tail wagged gently behind her and she let out a light bark just letting the other know she was approaching. Hopefully she would be up for some company.

“Hello! Mind some company,” she asked as she grew close enough.