



5 Years
07-06-2018, 04:52 PM

Serene Validis

Hearing about their destination made her sense of direction a little more clear as they began the journey, but the idea of finding herbs she had never seen before excited her. It offered the female a chance to learn more, to expand her knowledge and better her abilities as a healer. That was one thing that had never changed with Serene; even as a young pup she always loved to learn. His playful push back earned him a grin and a small, playful growl. She liked that being an Alpha didn't mean he couldn't take a joke, or make one in return. Somehow, the blonde fae always thought that was taken from a leader; their being before the power. But how would she even know? She had only met a handful of Alphas in her life, each more different and unique than the last. Malleus was no exception, but he did seem more special to her. But maybe that was due to the fact that she spent more time getting to know him than the other leaders... or anyone really.

His question had her humming for a second, searching her thoughts for a reply worthy of his question. "Like most pups I would assume. Eager to learn and be like their parents." Her eyes studied his features for a moment, taking in the markings under his aqua orbs before turning back down the path through the vines. "My mother was Esmeralda, healer of the wood. Her whole life was centered around healing, gardening, the spirit of life. Ever since I could smell I was surrounded by scents of herbs, so I suppose you could say I was born into it." She giggled a bit at that, imagining how ridiculous it must have looked; a tiny golden pup resting in a bed of herbs. Actually... it didn't sound half bad. Shaking away her thoughts, Serene turned to the silver male, curiosity glowing in her amber orbs. "What about you? Leader and Healer?"

