
A Lion And A Lamb



5 Years
07-06-2018, 05:26 PM

Serene Validis

At long last, the heat finally broke over their homeland. It had been a long and rather stressful season, for Serene in particular. Having lived her entire life north of these lands, where she knew bitter cold had taken place instead of the boiling heat, her body wasn't use to the change. Her hair, though light in color grew thick during the heat season as it would have for the winter months, and having all that extra fur made her even more uncomfortable than she already was. It was safe to say, the female stayed within the confine of her cool den walls. Except of course, for water and food, or whenever Malleus came to check in on her. That's who she walked beside now, as they made their way back to the beautiful Lazuli Falls, this time ready to harvest herbs.

The last time they had ventured here, the plants had been wilted in the oppressive heat and they were unable to collect any of the herbs they found. And just like he promised, Malleus had showed her some new herbs; Ginseng and horsetail, the same herbs she hoped to hunt down today and bring back home for the pack and for her garden. Now that the heat was backing off, the plants would have a better chance at surviving the trip back, and that made her paws move in a slightly brisker pace than usual. Serene was excited to finally begin making her home full; even if she had gathered a few herbs for her shelves, they were still not full and her garden had yet to be made. But that wasn't the only thing missing from her den, and weight of not having them weighed heavily on her thoughts.

Spring was here. Which meant two things. One; Serene's heat was beginning to rear its ugly head once more, and soon it would over take her body completely. Two; if the fawn woman did not find a mate and breed soon, the beastly Daemon would find her and claim her womanhood and her life as she knew it. But Serene was hopeful, she had made up her mind many moons ago that she would be ready to become a mother, to fill her home with the yips and whines of her offspring. But she wanted it to be her home, here in Risen. Which left her with one massive question; who? Who could she ask to share her life with? To share her home with? To share her lineage with? Every time her mind would wander to the same tuffs of silver fur, to the same turquoise eyes, to the same male she had trusted since she first met him. But how can she even ask of such a thing?

