



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
07-06-2018, 06:12 PM
His steps were slow as they made their way towards Lazuli Falls. He was trying his best to match her stride but the size difference meant that unless he really minced his steps Malleus inevitably found himself inching ahead. Every few steps he caught himself and was forced to pause, usually with foot raised, to allow her to catch up. The distance between them was minute, really, and it was entirely possible Serene wasn't even aware of it, but Malleus was. Every inch ahead meant he had to turn his head to look at her as she spoke. He didn't begrudge her the stride difference, but he was afraid she'd mistake his movements for impatience and that certainly wasn't the case. Malleus wanted to take his time on this journey. The longer it took for them to reach the Falls the more he would hopefully learn about this enchanting woman.

He listened intently as she answered his question. Her response gave him a brief glimpse into the past and the inquisitive child Serene had been. It was interesting to hear about her mother and the atmosphere Serene had grown up in. It was very different than the one he'd grown up in. For starters, his father had done away with his mother when he was quite young. He still remembered the day. How, brokenhearted, he'd gone off by himself and mourned her loss in private. How he'd been afraid someone would see him and think him weak. Battle training had been the focus of his youth. What he'd learned about healing he'd learned largely on his own. No fear, no mercy, no weakness. Only the Fallen God and his conquest. Little else had mattered.

He smiled gently when she asked about him. "I learned out of necessity." Malleus chuckled before going on to say, "When everyone around you is constantly fighting and getting hurt, and you're getting hurt, you learn a thing or two about wound care." Not many Abraxas were interested in tending wounds and it was a role that needed to be filled, so he'd filled it.

"I've always liked problem solving and once it occurred to me that healing was just that, I was hooked." He enjoyed what he did. Healing was a useful, complimentary skill. It served him and the Fallen God's mission well.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.