
Fake It If You Don't Belong



5 Years
07-06-2018, 06:13 PM

Serene Validis

Hearing the woman speak of her mate was... odd. Even if her mother never spoke of Serene's father, she'd imagine if the lovers were true mates, her eyes would light up more. She would know more about him. But Agria didn't seem all to keen about taking about Kane. Actually, she sounded almost angry about her position here. That was very strange to the fawn woman. Even if her mate was Abraxas, doesn't that make her an Abraxas too? As mates? Maybe she was mistaken, maybe they mated differently here, but at least that was her understanding of it. When two wolves mate, they become a pair, together as one. So if Kane and his sons were Abraxas, why was Agria, in her own words, just Agria? "Pardon me for asking, perhaps my knowledge of mating is skewed, but if you and Kane are mates, and your sons are Abraxas, doesn't that make you an Abraxas as well?"

Serene nearly blushed as Agria complemented on her markings, but she didn't know quite how to answer the question. Nevertheless, she tried. "I come from the north, born and raised in the lands known as the Weeping Wood." That seemed like too simple of an answer, but it was all she had. Serene didn't live anywhere but there until the past year. She glanced to her own side, where her brown hued markings stood out in comparison of her fawn coloring. "Markings run in my family I guess, same as the bright hues you and your son bare." It was kind of remarkable that wolves could bare such wonderful colors and astonishing markings, how nature could be so breathtakingly diverse in every way.

