
A Lion And A Lamb



5 Years
07-06-2018, 08:13 PM

Serene Validis

The roar of the falls hit her senses first; so caught up in her own thoughts and concerns, she had almost missed the view that stood before her. The waterfall was just as breathtaking as it was the last time, but this time, the sparkling water seemed even more tempting without the burning heat of the sun. No, this time Serene fought a different heat, one that coursed through her very veins. With a slight haste to her step did the fawn vixen make her way to the poolside, leaning down to lap up the cool refreshing water. It did little to fix her actual problem, but at the moment it was enough to ease her troubles. Malleus's voice pulled her away from the water as she turned to look over her shoulder. She could already see the herbs they were hunting growing towards the forest edge. She smiled softly, "Yes, so much beauty could be found here, I wonder what else this place has to offer."

Speaking of her shelves, the woman laughed, shaking her head softly before trotting back over to the silver male. "I suppose it would be nice to fill my little hole in the ground with some life." She giggled, nudging his shoulder playfully as she had done many a times before, but this time she lingered just a bit longer. For the briefest of seconds, her body's torture was eased by his presence, and she so desperately wanted to get another taste but she slowly pulled herself away. She couldn't be greedy with him, not now, not yet. "What should we collect first?" She suddenly spoke, turning her attention to the herbs, "horsetail or ginseng?"

