
A Lion And A Lamb



5 Years
07-06-2018, 09:55 PM

Serene Validis

His playful bump and nip did not go unnoticed by the fawn woman, but when she reached out to return the favor, he darted away from her. Serene let out a frustrated huff before listening to him talk about the horsetail. She would follow shortly after him, still holding a playful glint in her eye but paid attention to the plants nonetheless. Slowly did they reach the herbs growing tall near the water's edge, and Serene wasted no time getting to examining them. Already they looked much healthier than the last time they came here. His question about gardening had her ears perks in interested, but her playfulness got the best of her. "And what if I did?" The golden fae would walk dangerously close to the silver male, eyes half hooded, tail swaying with her hips behind her. "What would you do for it?" She would round hid backside and run her body alongside his, easing her way towards his crown once more where she would whisper into his ear, "What would you do... for me?"

Then she would attempt to give his ear a rough tug, not so much as to hurt him, but definitely to get back at him for tugging at hers. Then, using his own moves, would the blonde woman dash away from the male and into the herd of horsetail. A trail of giggles left in her wake as she ducked low to the ground, hoping to entice a little game of hide and seek with her favorite Alpha. It was strange, Serene would not normally be this brazen nor this carefree, but perhaps that was the strongest sign that this was right. Whether it was due to her heat adding extra hormones into her system or the fact that she genuinely wanted Malleus, it felt right. For the first time in months, Serene finally felt the Gods were pleased with her, and she was overjoyed with it. But at this very moment, her heart raced within her chest as she waited for his next move.

Come get me, your highness.

