



5 Years
07-06-2018, 10:36 PM

Serene Validis

When Serene had first learned about this Fallen God Malleus and the rest of his family so devotedly believed in, she was excited to learn about their culture, about their faith. Their God seemed like a loving one, to those of his own blood at least, but understanding nonetheless. However, as Malleus broke down what his father had done in the name of his faith, Serene could only wonder who this God truly was, and who were his followers. She felt ashamed to be thinking such horrid thoughts about the Abraxas, a family she hoped to join one day soon, but the hateful crimes they committed, made her want to second guess her decision to join the Empire entirely. But Malleus was good, he was her friend, that she truly believed. So she stayed, and she listened to what he had to say, and thank the Gods that she did.

Slowly but surely, did Malleus break down the hard truths of his culture; how perfection sometimes demanded sacrifice, and how the death of his mother was for the betterment of Malleus and his siblings. That part, was still hard to swallow for the fawn woman, but she rationalized that if his father truly believed his mother was doing them harm by loving them too much... then perhaps there was something more to the story that not even Malleus knew. Otherwise, it was unnecessary bloodshed, at least to Serene. But when asked if she would want the best for her pups, even here in the Empire, Serene's answer would always be yes. In that regard, she realized there might not be a line she wouldn't cross to ensure her pups got what was best. Not even death.

Then he would go on to describe that it was not just outsiders who were cut, but his own family too, which didn't make her feel any better. It certainly didn't make her feel any safer. It only made her realize how absolute this rule was with the Abraxas. If you do not pull your own weight, and serve the Fallen God as was their sole purpose on this planet, they did not belong here. In some, awfully twisted way, it made some sense to the fawn woman. That didn't mean she liked it, but she respected it. She respected Malleus. Still, she was frightened by what she heard, and the tears threatening to stream down her face burn her amber eyes when she looked up to Malleus. Her alpha, her friend. The male who promised to protect her from the evils that pursued her in this world.

And she found the courage to laugh. Through the tears, she laughed at his description of the variety in the ranks. She sniffled softly, shaking her head before tilting it to the side as she looked up at him."Even a dwarf huh?" She didn't know why she found that funny, especially because she was not in the mood to laugh in the slightest, but that's what Malleus does. He makes her happy even when she feels like it's impossible to do so. "I suppose we should continue on our way then? If collecting herbs is what I'm good for I wouldn't want to slack." She was still a bit angry by the new rules set before her, but she tried to make light of it as she smiled and turned to continue on their way, but she paused mid-stride before turning back to the silver male with a sad smile on her face. "You wouldn't let that happen to me anyways, right? Just like how I wouldn't let that happen to you." After all, not even a king was safe from a God.

