
A Lion And A Lamb



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
07-06-2018, 11:07 PM
Perhaps he should have been more prepared for it given that state of his thoughts, but Serene's sultry tone surprised him. It seemed the effects of her season worked both ways. It was hard to reconcile this vixen with the shy, nervous woman he'd first met. He rather liked this side of her.

He licked his lips as he considered just what he would do for her and stood still as she brushed along his side. "I," he said in a low voice, "Would do anything." And he meant it. His mind was afire with the things he would do for her.

Perhaps a bit foolishly he was lulled into a false sense of security by her actions. In an instant the little vixen snapped at his ear and then took off, her curvaceous hips disappearing into the tall weeds before he had a chance to react. He grinned wolfishly, a laugh booming from his lips as he took off after her.

The plants long forgotten, Malleus wove through the tall grass with his thoughts fixed firmly on the woman and the intoxicating trail she left behind. His tone playful, he said, "Come now, Serene. That wasn't very nice." Malleus tsked in mock reproach, his eyes roving the grasses in search of a glimpse of her. "Marco..."

A flash of cream caught his eye and he hunkered down. Like a lion on the prowl he began to slink towards where he thought she was hiding. The seconds ticked by as he crept closer; the weeds tickling his sides as he glided through them. Malleus waited until he was within leaping distance and then he pounced, hoping to catch her in his arms and hold her fast.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.