



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
07-07-2018, 04:54 PM
Her distress was evident but he wasn't sure what else he could do to soothe her fears. The Abraxas and their mission weren't for everyone. If Serene was doubting her place among them then it would be better for her to make up her mind sooner rather than later. Otherwise she might get in too deep. There could come a point where leaving simply wasn't an option for her anymore.

When he saw her tears Malleus thought for sure everything was over. His heart sank. He cared for her and was convinced of her place among them, but maybe god knew better. The thought saddened him and he found himself bracing for the worst.

And then she laughed and he felt a spark of hope. Perhaps it wasn't over just yet. "Even a dwarf," he confirmed with a soft smile.

While her next words may have been an attempt at humor, Malleus didn't find them very funny. He was glad she'd come around enough to try to make light of the subject, but her words and the state of mind they hinted at troubled him. His expression serious, he said with a soft voice, "You can't think like that, Serene."

Dutifully Malleus padded after Serene as they took off once again. She asked if he would let something like that happen to her and, finding the very idea repugnant, he replied immediately, "Of course not. Really, you shouldn't be thinking of such things." It was easy to get fixated on the culling, but he knew from experience that was no way to live. It was better to focus on personal growth; of being your best self.

No matter where their conversation went from here, Malleus doubted they would be able to escape the tone the previous topic had set. Maybe it was for the better. They had quite a ways to walk still and that would give them plenty of time to work through other difficult topics should she have more questions. To that end, he asked, "I guess while we're talking about these things I should ask if you have anymore questions for me? About, well, anything, I suppose."

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.