
A Lion And A Lamb



5 Years
07-07-2018, 05:15 PM

Serene Validis

Amber eyes fluttered open once more to see the stocks of horsetail and tall grass surrounding her, acting as both a bed and a curtain to the rest of the world. Slowly did Serene's senses come back to her; the roar of the nearby waterfall filled her ears, then the scent of her lover soon filled her nostrils. She took a deep, greedy breath of it before she turned to look at the source; tussles of silver locks framing a peaceful looking Malleus. Immediately a small smile formed on her lips while a warmth spread across her chest. Who would have guessed that the male in the stone tower would end up laying here beside her now? Meaning so much to her? Serene certainly hadn't seen it coming, but she was glad he was here now. She couldn't imagine anyone else. As badly as she wanted to let him sleep, the sun would not wait forever and they still had a job to do. So the female would lean down and place a tender kiss upon his forehead.

"It's time to wake up, my love. The herbs will not wait for us." Her voice was soft and delicate, hoping not to startle him and instead coo him awake. Serene would shift her weight to lay on her side, but an ache from down below asked her not to. She would wince, if only slightly, but she continued to smile through it. No matter the pain, she would never regret the events that unfolded here. She knew the Gods would be pleased with this mating, as was she, and as she hoped Malleus would be too. Though they had not discussed it, she hoped he would not simply abandon her after this. She wanted pups that was true, and she knew how important a new generation was to the Abraxas, but Serene wanted more. She would want a relationship. However, that would be a conversation at a later date, as for now, they needed to collect the herbs they came here for.

