
Where the devil hides and Angel's die



5 Years

07-08-2018, 07:46 PM
It had been a full day, but she finally found a landmass worth a damn. The Fae had tricked her again! Making her leave her home and telling her it would be worth it...she had almost been eaten by a shark, and Umbra was missing some flight and tail feathers from her battles with sea birds. There was still that one piece of her that had some faith in the shining entity she followed, the little pulsing light drifted over the water, leading her onward until she found a shore after an entire night and day of swimming and floating. She washed up and lay there for a long while, just glad to have solid earth beneath her paws rather than shifting water that her paws cut through. The young female felt heavy for the first time in her life, and suddenly more faeries began to blink into appearance fore her masked eyes. Little multi-hued specks of light that hummed with expectant energy. Her friend hadn't tricked her after all! Her sopping wet tail waved and made the faeries scatter, bringing a bewitching peel of laughter from the yearling.

Tossing her masked head, blood red eyes looked over the place she had come to. It was strange to see the crumbling monoliths that her mother once called "buildings" up close, but to her, it just looked like dying stones. Umbra crowed at her, "Something is dead, and close!" There would be multiple reasons for the announcement, they could investigate because they were hungry, if it wasn't too dead. If it was, there would be all sorts of little wiggly worms and fun beetles to play with. Umbra would eat those! She smiled and nodded her head to her feathered friend, moving into the building. Umbra was having a hard time flying in the non-existent air flow, so she sat on the witch's head and directed her toward the scent.

As they got close, the black, grey and white yearling halted, scenting the air and catching a deeply masculine scent that was so wrapped in death it was like a siren's song of smells. "Well, that's a pretty cologne...I wonder who..." Rounding the corner into one of the many chambers, Azariah is shocked by the massive male hovering over his kill. This was the same scent they had been following, and now it was too late to back out. Tiny flickering lights appeared, faeries, hundreds surrounded the male. All of them screamed at her to run, to escape him, and real fear filled her. With a nervous smirk and small huff of a laugh, Azariah turns from the large male and tries to run as fast as she can down the halls. Her nails wouldn't catch on the hard, smooth floors of the building, making her run in place comically before she finally caught traction with her paw pads. Umbra hovered in panic, waiting for her, not knowing if she'd even be able to help.

The large male had startled her, sending a sudden rush of panic to make her flee. She wasn't good at surprise interaction.

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Bite Warning! Azariah will bite out of fear or anxiety, please be careful with her!
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