
Where the devil hides and Angel's die



5 Years

07-10-2018, 07:36 PM
Panic surged in her as he sped into her periphery, seeing him aim a massive paw at her shoulder, she halted and did a ninety-degree pivot that led her into a room of sorts. Azariah made sure Umbra had followed, though she didn't have to worry much about that, the bird had been screeching and attempting to distract the hulking brute who chased her. It was a chamber that had soft beds and a big bathroom, but the beds and all the faeries beneath them convinced her to slip under the bed. With her skull mask firmly attached to her face, she pressed her hind end with her tail tucked under the only source of safety she could think of. He was too big to fit more than his head and neck in any way, and she sat in the middle of a large queen size bed, well out of reach. The monochrome witch spoke her her snarling stalker as he claimed her, "I am not yours, you cannot take me through violence or force!" She barked out nervously from under cover of the bed, "I am young, not ready to die, please! I will be yours if you can just stop chasing and snarling at me!"

She turned her body on her side, though not fully, just enough to prove that she meant what she said. Her skull masked face was cheek to the floor as she looked him over with blood red eyes, "Please?" She added softly, and the entire time the girl was speaking, Umbra looked at her as if she had lost her mind. For the time being, all her faerie friends had been scared away by the massive brute and the snapping fangs and swatting paws he used against her. Watching him, the witch could only hope he would calm himself enough to find reason, in any form.

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Bite Warning! Azariah will bite out of fear or anxiety, please be careful with her!
Ulric Adravendi & Fam may crash any of Azariah's threads regardless of tags! <3