
Where the devil hides and Angel's die



5 Years

07-10-2018, 09:32 PM
Watching the wolf find more rage made the witch all the more terrified and she screeched back at him as his roared words rang in her ears. She found an odd hatred for being called a mortal, though she knew she was no goddess. Still, there was nothing about her that even remotely related to any of the mortal wolves she had met. None of them had the Sight, none of them could see beyond the thin Veil that separated Fae from mortals. Only she could. "My word is binding, I am Fae-born, I am not a mortal and if I make a promise I have to follow through with it else I die!" She shrieked over his booming voice, talking over the demonic king to make her point. He spoke again, this time with frustration and cold logic.

No, they could not hide here forever, and he stood between them and the door, but she would not die here either. Chattering and the march of claws against tile heralded another presence, this one a large wolverine. He arched his back and hissed at her as if he knew her but had seen a ghost. Once the little beast calmed down a little, Aza spoke in retort to Lucifer's words. "I was born with this pelt, I didn't steal it from anyone. I will come out when you and your hell-beast stop being aggressive, I am prepared to die under here if I must, and don't send him under here either. I will eat him just to stay here longer." She narrowed deeply crimson eyes as she licked her lips in threat. When the king spoke next, Aza found herself listening and leaning in his direction.

"I will hear your terms, but I have to agree to them. I promise I will eat your pet if he comes under here to try and collect me. Do not doubt my word, I've made you a promise." She eyed him for a moment, knowing she would likely enrage him all over again with her promise, but she meant what she said. She would not be dragged out by a stunted bear, she had too much pride for that. "Forgive me, but I can't exactly trust you at the moment. Not with the way you're acting. I am worth much more alive." She said softly, still watching him and the wolverine.

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