
Where the devil hides and Angel's die

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
07-11-2018, 03:07 PM
She spoke more terms. She wanted a demon to be gentle with her, it was almost laughable. Demons were not gentle. Even if he was with her his children would likely shred her when she birthed them or when they fed from her. That was the exchange. "You ask for my touch to be kind and gentle, it will be done as soon as our pact is sealed. Though the exchange is that you come out from there. Leave us Noctis, I've a pact to seal, and you've a few things I'm sure you need to do." he stepped forward towards her, slowly this time. He could hear as Noctis picked up the egg he had and moved off.

Lucifer waited for the woman to emerge. She'd made a deal and would need to see it through. The first time he would not promise her pleasure completely though. She was younger than a year and so it would be painful to seal the deal. "Come out from there my dear bride. We've a pact to seal. I'd hate to have to wait much longer to do so, I'm not a patient man." Vianni had been easier to convince but they had turned out one in the same in the end. But this one was less like them. She would be easily taught to be his bitch though. So long as she didn't run like kait had.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.