
In these desprate times


07-07-2013, 11:08 PM

Awaken gave a smrik as Gargoyl motioned for him to follow. He forced his thin frame off the ground and trotted along beside Gargoyle. His ears perked forward and alert. But he felt, strangely, at home. He thought he'd feel as if he were in a forgien area. Maybe it was because he was with his friend. It was most likely.?

He took the 'get your rump in here' as an accsepted offer for a spot in the new pack. He was exausted, hadn't slept for over a week, and felt as if he needed a 24 hour nap. "This place is beautiful gargoyle." He spoke in genuine fascenation. He never came down very far from glaciem and he enjoyed thks place. The black soil tickled his toes and the air was fresh. Wait... I remeber this place. Before i joined glaciem i took out an elk here. And some crazy white female attacked me and chased me away. She was really strange. I wasn't in the boarder i was just on the outskirts. He shuddered at the memory. He'd never learned the girls name. Nor did he stick around to learn it.

Then more pressing matters came to mind. His mind clouded with thoughts of a woman of intrest... Mercianne. Just the thought of her made his cheeks heat up. "Hey Garoyle... May I ask how you asked Ocena to become your mate? He lowered his head in embarassment of the question. But every since she walked into the cave smelling the way she had he couldn't keep his mind off her.?