
I'm still yearning for your touch


07-07-2013, 11:14 PM

It was a wonder how he hadn't snapped yet, how his fangs hadn't ripped into her, causing her some amount of pain. His moans egged her on, encouraging her. As she danced away from him, his laughter broke the silence, a smirk gracing his features. He pushed himself up, movements slow and precise as he sauntered towards her. He still favored his right leg in the most subtle of ways. She stood still, allowing him to close in on her. Audits pushed forward, eyes watching his every move. Once he was close enough, she stepped forward to meet him, bumping into his chest with a brief nuzzle before sliding herself down the side of him, walking a tight circle around him, only her soft nips letting him know just where she was. Coming around to his other side, she tucked her head beneath his jaws, arching her back against him as she passed, tail tickling his jaws as she slipped from his grasp.

Her every touch and movement was slow, tantalizingly so. There was no rush to fuck each other tonight, their growls and snarls didn't crack the silence of the night. But rather gentle caresses and low moans surrounded them. It was a welcomed change in pace for once, not that she objected to their usual fucks. But her brothers unhurried attitude, his lack of aggression, it was....enjoyable. Who would have thought he had it in him? To actually take him time, allow his sister to have her way with him. She would relish in the moment for as long as it lasted. It was one of the rare, nearly nonexistent, moments that she could drop her guard, allow her body to relax completely, allowing muscles to move with languid grace. "Demyan." She beckoned for him, vocals soft and smooth as silk, falling easily from her darkened jaws. Long forgotten was the desire for blood, the blood that still stained her pelt. Her main focus was her brother. One could almost say that she would bow to his every need. But where was the fun in that?
