
The Black Sheep



6 Years
Extra large

07-14-2018, 04:31 AM (This post was last modified: 07-14-2018, 04:36 AM by Elias.)

Through a stern and narrowed gaze, Elias watched carefully as the girl obeyed and came forth. Her eyes avoided him even though his boldly glared into them whether they met his stare or not. It was no secret that her fighting spirit was diminishing, and that alone was reason enough for concern to build within Elias' mind. He had wanted to spend much more time with her during these past seasons, though the duties of a new king prevented him from giving her the undivided attention he wished he could provide. The undivided attention that the poor girl honestly deserved.

He could tell that she did not want to be held captive here. She likely had no idea that he did not want her to be held captive here, either. The large skull of the titan lowered, his muscular neck craning as he inspected the girl before him. Her unique eye markings were something he found interesting and exotic, though he did not stare at those in particular. He was checking her weight and muscle mass, as she was still growing.. and her inability to freely roam likely prevented her from being able to grow as she should have. She seemed alright, and for that he was thankful.

He lifted his head back up and gave her space once again, respecting her need for it though he was not finished with her just yet.

"I know that you do not understand why I took away your freedom and claimed you for Ruina, however.. you must know that there is a reason. I did not bring you here to destroy your life, I brought you here to ensure its success. You might feel as though you can take on the word, but you are still growing... you were very small when I found you. You appear to be a year old now.. or very close, though you are still vulnerable, Viper." He wasn't sure whether or not he would believe his words, though he was determined to continue on with them.

"The scent that you carry is not far off from the scent of my own blood. I was told of a son of mine who abandoned his mate and one of their children, I suspect that child is you... is your birth name Wreckage?" He wasn't sure if she would tell the truth or not, though he already knew what was true. This little experiment hopefully would tell him how willing she was to work with him.

His eyes scanned the den around them, it appeared none of the other Lambs were interested in getting his attention so, for now, he was able to provide that to her solely.. which was something he was actually thankful for.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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