
A Lion And A Lamb



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
07-14-2018, 03:17 PM
Serene got her wish; her voice woke him gently. Malleus groaned and stretched, but made no move to rise. He was content to just lay there, to breathe in Serene's sweet scent and consider their future together. For as long as he could remember Malleus had been told of what was expected of him. What his future held. He would follow in the footsteps of those before him; conquering and seeding the land with Abraxas. Malleus thought he'd known what that meant, but his ever evolving relationship with Serene challenged that belief. The path they'd taken to this moment had been entered into mutually. It hadn't been a conquest. He didn't feel like he'd simply brought a lesser creature to heel.

Malleus yawned and then rolled over so he could rest his chin on Serene's neck. "Mmm," he groaned. "Five more minutes. What are they going to do? Run away?" They had the whole meadow to themselves. It would be a shame to waste it. Besides, he reasoned selfishly, if the goal was to conceive, wouldn't it make sense to increase their odds by...spending more time together? That was going to be his rationale, anyway. In truth, her scent was going to drive him crazy and now that this final barrier had been broken between them it was going to be hard for him to keep his paws off of her.

For the moment, at least, he was satisfied. But content or not he was still reluctant to rise. Common sense told him that it was wise to return to the pack sooner rather than later and Malleus had to remind himself of that. But...

He couldn't resist licking the back of her neck. The fur there was still mussed from the last time he touched it so he busied himself with smoothing it down. Maybe if he sprinkled a few nibbles in here and there he could convince her to lay with him awhile longer.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.