
The Black Sheep



6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
07-14-2018, 08:53 PM (This post was last modified: 07-14-2018, 08:55 PM by Viper.)

Only giving him a glance momentarily, her eyes would irritatingly look back to the left of the man and toward the floor of the den. "Well, I didn't need any saving. I've done just fine on my own and don't need anyone to help me survive." It was all truth. Her entire being was all self-taught and well taken care of despite the previous circumstances. She felt that even though Elias claimed he took her from what she enjoyed most in life to help her, it was a load of bull. She could care less for his pack and his reasons, she cared only for herself and her own weight.

"How can you say I'm vulnerable? Can't you tell I've never needed anybody?" It wasn't a question, more of an aggravated statement. Only her being the young and ignorant brat she was. She usually tried to hold back her sour feelings for her own sake, but Elias made it too easy for her. Just looking at him made her cringe, definitely a villain in her eyes and he probably always would be. It would take a lot to make her think differently of him. But she was a sour lady to begin with, he would most definitely not be given any slack.

She would only twitch to his next statement, her eyes coming to his for a longing moment, longer than it seemed she had ever looked at him, as she tried to think of her next words and not show any true emotion other than her usual anger. "I don't know what you're talking about." Her eyes ripped away from him rather exaggeratedly, nearly in tantrum which wasn't unusual for her either. "I don't have parents. I've been alone my whole life." Her voice was rather harsh and maybe even hissing, perhaps a true indication of her lies. He may have known of her "fraud", that or truly think she was so young to forget the treachery. Either way, she'd refuse to let him believe she was his blood if this even was true. She didn't belong to anybody. She was reborn from herself as "Viper".

Walk "Talk" Think