
Rat Race



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Hunter (180)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Christmas 2019Treat 2019
07-15-2018, 04:02 AM

"Cloudburst Wreckage, son of Storm Wreckage." The man's response caught him off guard, and Cloud couldn't help the jerk of his head as he stared at the male, wide-eyed. "H-how did you...?" Did he know his mother? "That is who you are?" Truth be told, Cloud had never really questioned himself on that. He used to wonder who his father was, but time eventually got him to stop wondering, and instead, he merely focused on his life as it was. He had his mother, and the idea of a father had vanished into the air. He didn't know what to say, the cogs slowly turning in his mind as he stood there in stunned silence. There were so many things going on in his head that he didn't know how to sort it out. Or at the very least, which thought to focus on first.

He remained quiet as the male continued, asking him about his mother, his father...brows knit together as he tried to comprehend all that was being said, but...he didn't quite understand it. What was this man talking about? Souls of the sun and moon? Demons? His...grandmother? The man's sister...? His eyes began to widen as his mind clicked. Slowly at first, but he eventually put the puzzle together. He took a step back, disbelief taking hold., it couldn't be...was it? His jaw opened a couple times, wanting to speak but no words reaching his tongue. Subconsciously, he knew what question to ask...but with it all suddenly coming at him, he hesitated. "How do you know all of this? I-I don't even know what you're talking about! I'm Cloud, son of Storm! I don't know who you are!" His voice cracked more than he wanted it to. He never asked his mom about their father...but then he thought about Ty, and the fact that his brother resembled this man more than Cloud himself. Is this who his brother took after? Is this...where his demons came from? "Wh-who are you?" he whispered. Deep down, he knew. But he needed to hear it. He needed to make sense of all of this.


art by Risketch