
Got a key to the city and a street in my name



5 Years
07-15-2018, 07:35 AM

Serene Validis

She was welcomed into another pack lands, just for being a part of Risen. Serene found it remarkable that the trust held within one family could extend to outsiders. Well, perhaps joining their ranks didn't make Serene an outsider anymore, but if the tables were reversed, she did not know if she could so easily offer the same deal. The blonde woman smiled at the generous offer, bowing her head a little in respect. "Perhaps one day I will take you up on that offer." If not just to spend more time with Razi, who seemed extremely knowledgeable and willing to share, but Serene also couldn't deny the interest she had in seeing more of this empires territories, more of it's wolves. She wanted to see if everyone was so kind, if every pack was run the same or did they hold different values? It would be interesting to see, that was for sure.

Hearing that the water was indeed drinkable, the blonde female would take a few, curious laps at the water. It tasted as divine as it looked, with a bit of an earthy twist she could only assume came from the strange soil. In this every depressing heat, it was important that Serene knew where all the nearby water sources were at, in case of a need. Golden ears perked at the question then asked, amber orbs turning from the waters reflection and back towards the midnight woman. Straightening herself into a proper sitting position, Serene pondered at how she should answer that question. She knew of healer things that was true, as she also knew of spiritual things, but she held no official title to state either skill. Finally, she spoke. "I was raised a healer, and I do still collect and grow plants as a hobby. I am also known to speak to spirits from time to time. But I hold no true rank as of now." Perhaps it was a bit much, but Serene felt it was the most honest answer she could cook up.

