
Dirty water, poison rain [Disbandment]



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
07-16-2018, 08:57 PM

Ashiel was running late to the meeting. He'd finally finished securing what he needed for the ceremony for Razi's pups, well, the items at least. He still needed to speak with Malleus and some of the older Abraxas about the finer points and words for the ritual but he was rather pleased with it all and all. The going had not been easy. As luck would have it he'd developed a respiratory infection from his accident in the canyon that had taken him time to get over and Griff had only just healed his wing. The pair were quite a mess but Ashiel had a good feeling they were on the right path. It was time to start reclaiming their religion and their culture as it pertained to life outside of conquest. He wanted to learn everything he could which meant talking with all the older Abraxas he could manage to pin down.

A howl rang out for a meeting and Ashiel grinned. He was excited for Razi to take the role of leadership and he felt confident in her skills. She was certainly wiser and more knowledgeable about their family. He started to make his way up when a sudden cry from Griff caught his attention. The clouds were mixing and twisting and as he looked behind him a large spear of lightning struck the earth with a loud crack. He heard the sound of dislodged and tumbling rock as the rain suddenly beat down on him but the rush of water was undeniable. The canyon was flooding!

"Griff! Get clear! Get clear!" His eyes locked with the birds for a moment and then it was off into the sky. Ashiel did his best to climb after the bird but he was to far down and the water to fast. Once again he felt himself tumbling end over end, the cold of the water ripping through his skin, the rocks and branches pummeling him as he tried to surface. Ashiel closed his eyes and prayed.

"Talk" "Griff" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.