
The truth is stranger than all my dreams



10 Years
07-17-2018, 06:37 AM

Home. It'd been a long while since Ara had found a place she could truly call home, and after deciding that Lirim would be the best place for she and Athena - and her son and his mate, if they chose to follow as they said they planned to - Ara hoped she wouldn't have to settle anywhere else. What place was more fitting than this, after all? She had always loved willow trees, and the ones here were even more majestic than the ones she'd known in her childhood. Their long, sweeping boughs nearly grazed the ground, providing a nice cover from the afternoon sun, and Ara was content to weave lazily between the wide-spread trees. She had yet to really meet anyone in Lirim besides Frostbite, who'd seemed like a kind enough man, and she knew she ought to at least make her presence known.

A content sigh fell from the aging woman's lips as she settled on a particularly old willow tree, with a wide, curved base. It seemed as though it had been sculpted to fit her form perfectly, with how naturally the wood curved. Briefly she rubbed the side of her cheek against the wood, grateful for the rough surface against her coat, before moving to recline to her haunches. She sat briefly before dropping to a horizontal position, stretching her forepaws in front of her and relaxing against the gentle shade provided by the willow tree. She truly, honestly, could think no better place than this to live out the rest of her days - however long she might have left.