
feathered thief



3 Years
07-17-2018, 05:18 PM
Heat would cause the beast to pant as he travelled at an even paced trot. Paws would be placed delicately, attempting to leave little trail and make little noise. His nostrils flared frequently, turning his direction as the scent he followed went a new direction. Anxiety and worry would furrow the ghost’s brow as he made his way through the forest, ignoring the pretty doves that fluttered about in large swarms. They were not of his concern. There was only one he cared about now and she was lost, going further than he’d ever thought she would from his side. It’d been necessary, but he was already beginning to regret the command he had given her.

The wraith would quicken his pace as the scent grew stronger, the scent of his daughter was strong but it would be dark soon and he knew better than most that predators would lurk in the shadows, eager to take the young pup that had strayed to far from protection. If another predator didn’t get her another Wolf would. The thought caused the ghost’s lips to curl, a growl threatening to bubble up in his chest. He’d rip anyone that dared harm her in half and feast on their flesh. She was his daughter, his to protect and he would do so til his last breath.

Alert ears would twitch as her voice came to him, she was answering someone, a low rumble would finally break free as his daughter came into view- along with the stranger. He caught the tail end of the female’s last words, ‘no need to be afraid.’ The stark white beast would slow now that he was upon them, his skull would be held low at shoulder height, his movements a slow, predatory prowl. The wraith would curl his lips as he stepped protectively up to Thisbee. His contrasting coat would stand out sharply as night began to fall, unlike the pup he protected. A Wolf of few words, Razik would communicate with body language. His tail was up, muscles tense, ears were forward and his expression was unquestionable. Back off, it would say.