
a little visit



7 Years
07-17-2018, 07:42 PM

Though determined to impress Malleus, as well as hone his own skills, he felt an even stronger sense of purpose as soon as their fight began. That hot rush of adrenaline consumed him, making him feel more alive than he had in quite some time, and his attention narrowed in on the task at hand. He had no doubt in his mind that Malleus had braced himself for the blow - instead of feeling the larger male instantly topple at his attack, instead his jaws merely grazed Malleus's chest as he deflected the attack in one fluid motion to his right. Somehow he managed to put more pressure on the front of his limb, rewarding himself with the faint taste of blood at the slight scrape.

This fight was merely for practice, not to maim, but he knew the Abraxas were not ones to fight gently. Some blood and bruising was to be expected, and if he did not display enough aggression in his fighting technique he was sure he would be looked down upon. He'd been called spineless before and he intended to never hear such a description of himself again, especially from family. He didn't have much time to react before Malleus grounded himself properly and lunged forward, shifting sideways to slam against his own shoulder. He braced for the impact, wincing slightly as he felt teeth against his scruff. Not willing to go down without more of a fight, despite the stinging pain that the hold provided him, he jerked away from the hold - earning himself a nice wound to his scruff - before using his weight to shove directly back into Malleus, as if hoping to cause him to lose his balance.
© argent 2017