
That Awkward Moment When...



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
07-18-2018, 12:52 AM

Spring had come and with it Dragon's new resolve. He had promised his pack would rise again, but he had been enjoying the time away from leadership responsibilities that he had taken his time. His mind had changed, however, when a wolf by the name of Enigma had shown up with two children. Dragon had been in shock and disbelief then, but he had come to accept it. He was a father of three, and he didn't even know it until recently. One of the pups were missing, however, but Enigma had promised to look for him and bring him back should he find him. Honestly, Dragon couldn't believe what he had been told. But he believed it. He tried hard to think back to that day in the hallucination caves, and with Kimahri's help, they had pieced together from what they could remember. It wasn't much, but it made sense now. At one point, Dragon had thought it was Iskra that whole time. He thought maybe he had driven her away on accident, but now he knew that wasn't true. Still, why hadn't she returned? He hadn't seen her for an entire year, and decided he ought to look for her to at least get an answer...or some closure.

Problem was, he had no idea where to look. Was she still in Auster? Had she joined the Abraxas? He had no idea. It would be hard for him to track her down while he was blind, but he had to try right? He had left his pups in the care of Shiva and his mother. The small group that still followed him often changed locations, though the majority of the time they remained in the North and at a cove in the East. This time though, Dragon traveled South. Hoping that the warmer weather had drawn his mate to seek it out. Or...well, whatever she was now. He wasn't sure what to label her anymore.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.