
What Hurts The Most


07-08-2013, 12:21 AM

It felt like an eternity passed -though at the most like it was a few minutes- before Meili finally unwound herself from him, the young man taking his cue as he pulled away from his little woman, lips pulling into a half smirk as she nudged him, asking him if he was good on his feet. Hm, why don't we find out? He followed her gaze, cerulean gems finding the oak that she mentioned, muscles quivering in anticipation for the quick run. A booming laugh erupted from his jaws as she gave him the five second head start, ivory tipped paws becoming a blur beneath him as he launched himself forward, talons pulling at the earth as he sped across the dirt, aiming to reach the oak before Mei did. But of course she caught up with him, her smaller, more slender legs and build allowing her easier speed compared to his larger, bulkier frame. He rolled his in mock disregard, watching as she sped past him, reaching the oak first.

Gael slowed down significantly, bringing his thundering charge to an easy lope, heart pounding wildly inside his chest, pulse hammering against his skin as he took a quick lap around the oak before coming around back to Mei side, slowing a complete stop at her side, salmon tongue lolling free of his jaws, which were open as a gentle pant inflated and deflated his massive chest. A chuff flared his lips as he scoffed at her words playfully. Well I'll be sure to call you if I ever need to chase someone down. He growled playfully, using her moment of distraction to tackle her to the ground, powerful legs becoming a flesh cage as he pinned her beneath him, jaws upturned in a mischievous grin as he nipped the tip of her nose, plume wagging gently behind tawny haunches.

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