



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
07-21-2018, 08:29 PM
Running from the flash, headed straight into the blast

Ashiel moved carefully adjacent to the storms. The brutality of the dry season would turn the land into kindling just ripe for a fire but the storm in and of itself was dangerous and if it set off a wild fire then how would he get the flames without…. He stood silently, no, he didn't need the fire. He needed the aftermath. He needed the ashes. The remnants of life burnt pure and consumed. Ashiel was about to settle down to watch the show when a scent on the winds alerted him to the rival of Archon, one of his many cousins. He didn't know the older man particularly well but he nodded in greeting as the other approached.

Archon spoke and Ashiel cocked his head to the side. "I do hope you mean the Fallen god." He chuckled. There were many gods but none so great as theirs. Though, there were times he wondered what the Fallen god's true name was. Surely if he was their ancestor he had a name along the lines of 'Amon' or 'Malleus'. Either way it was probably lost to time and if anyone knew it it was likely only Amon. "I'd hate to think another has ensnared your heart." He spoke in playful jest. Ashiel could not conceive of any of their family ever swaying from their beliefs, their religion. It simply could not happen. "As for where the Fallen god leads me, he is ever elusive but I have had visions I've managed to clarify through my mother to… well, some degree. I need ash." A crack of thunder rolled across the plains. Ashiel's gaze turned briefly to the storm before turning back to Archon. "I spoke with Malleus and we'd like to hold an official naming ceremony for Razi's pups as well as Kaine's. To bless them and welcome them into the family. We are still working out the finer points of the ceremony. My mother, as I'm sure you know, is difficult to pin down. I don't suppose you happen to know what time of day such ceremonies are held? Does it matter?"


-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.