
Voidfish Duet



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
07-22-2018, 03:58 PM

The territory that Enrico had chosen for his pack was certainly a unique one. While she would've preferred to stray closer to the deep gorge and the tall pine trees of her youth, she was happy to simply be residing permanently in the north once again. Niente was a promising pack thus far, and Asvor had no regrets about joining Valdis here - not that she expected she would. The female inhaled a breath of frigid air as the Finnvi woman veered around one side of the strange metal structure. Might as well scout it out now rather than later. She had no doubt this structure might prove useful. Perhaps it was too big of a target to permanently reside in, but its sturdy walls could surely come in handy in the event of a particularly bad storm. Briefly she touched her nose to the cold metal, leaning against the structure with her chest before pulling away.

It wasn't long before she caught the scent of a stranger, and Asvor's attention as immediately piqued. You have to be nice, she had to tell herself, though the truth was that it wouldn't be all that hard. Asvor understood the need for members of a pack to have some kind of camaraderie, even if it was only superficial. Working together had its benefits, she knew that. Her brows furrowed slightly as she caught the sight of Magnolia in the distance, tipping her head to the earth as she moved to close the distance between them slightly. Her scent was vaguely familiar, only from catching wind of it among Niente's lands, so she knew she was a packmate and not an intruder. A faint smile pulled at her lips.  "Greetings," she offered plainly, wondering if the other female had a penchant toward socializing or not.