
By the grace of your God



7 Years
07-22-2018, 09:30 PM
She had been hunting, trying her best to wrangle something up to bring home. Thought surprisingly the prey seemed to be absent tonight. It was worrisome that she could barely find any sign of life other then the trails of her packmates. Being that the floor of the canyon was unsuccessful and began to climb, searching the large and small paths along the canyons walls for something. It worried her even more that she couldn’t find anything thier either. Something was off and she couldn’t quite figure out what it was. Continuing to move and cover ground she began to head in the direction of Razi way before her call was placed and by the time the call was made she was close enough to get there in a timely matter. Although she was a lot lower on the canyon wall then where Razi had been. She had managed to climb up further before the loud crack practically made her jump out of her skin. She could barely see where it had hit, but that god awful sound. She tried to hurry her pace, but it was no good. A large wave of sea water crashed into her taking her off her feet and away in the water. She struggled within the swirling water to get to the surface, down and up down and up was the motion of the water. Her eyes burned from the salt water so she forced them closed.

Unable to see what was happening, but with some struck of luck the water piled into one of the canyon bends smacking her into the wall and allowing her to land on one of the larger paths the pack used. She gasped, coughing and hacking, spitting and sputtering before attempting to open her eyes. She had been swept quite a distance from the meeting place. Then a wall of water crashed into her again, smacking her against the side of the canyon and sweeping her back under water.

This time the water was a lot more violent with her, smacking her into things left and right. Within minutes she was knocked unconscious and left for the water to have full control of her form. Though now she didn’t know a thing of what was going on and had no chance to even attempt to save herself. Was this her day to die? Was this why she felt led to come to Ash’s pack to just die?

It seemed something else was planned for her, whatever gods had control over this mess of the world again shot her another break. Whipping through another bend in the canyon and was once more flung into the side of the canyon. She was much closer to the surface this time as the water whipped sharply to the left tossing her onto another ledge on the same side of the canyon that the meeting was being held. She was flung higher this time, higher then the water itself and her lifeless form laid there, she was knocked out but still alive... for now.