
The Danger Gets Me High



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
07-23-2018, 06:41 PM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2018, 06:41 PM by Dragon.)

Alright, he had to admit this girl was pretty entertaining! She was full of enthusiasm, and that was a good thing in his mind. "Oh, there are very cool things out there! I used to live in something called a castle, it was created by humans many years ago! It's in Auster though, but maybe one day you'll get to see it. I'd even be willing to go with you to see it if you want." He hadn't been to his beloved castle in a long time, perhaps it was soon time for him to visit. "On the way there, there's also a bridge that connects Boreas and Auster together. It's way down south, there are tons of things to see! And up North where my ancestors lived, there's an old ship frozen into the land. That's another thing that humans built a long time ago. Not far from that is the ocean, and there's also a place where you can see trees that touch the sky, lots of geysers, and all sorts of amazing things!" Heck, now he wanted to go and re-explore all these lands! Honestly, he was getting homesick for both Auster and the northlands!

He listened as she told him about her want to fight, and he nodded along. "You can learn a lot from watching, but you learn better by doing." That was probably obvious information, but it was true to him. "I learned how to fight before I lost my eyesight, but I haven't stopped trying even after. There are always new ways to learn, watching has benefits, so you can learn how others fight. After all, not everyone has the same fighting style." He certainly didn't have the same fighting style every time. At least, not anymore.

As she pranced along with them, Dragon could hear Shiva growl with amusement. "Would you like to take a trip to the ocean? Ocean prey is quite tasty," She licked her lips just thinking about it, and Dragon smiled. Then, the girl gave her name and even mentioned her parent's names. He paused for a moment, the name Caelum ringing a bell. "Huh, well what a coincidence...I sparred with your mom once, she sure kicked my butt! Which means if you're anything like her, you'll be a great fighter Caelestis!" He wagged his tail, pleased he had ended up in the company of someone he had come across before, especially from Abaven! "My name is Dragon, by the way, these two are Shiva and Kimahri."


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.