
That Awkward Moment When...



8 Years

Trick 2019
07-23-2018, 07:34 PM
Gryphon had been slowly making his way across the bottom parts of Boreas as the year began to progress into the warmth of spring. He wasn't really willing to go back to Auster, not when the last he'd known his family members had all made the journey north. He didn't know where in Boreas they all were, but he suspected that most, if not all, were still in the northern continent. He'd been the only one to inherit his father's thin desert coat, so the intense cold that had hit Boreas this winter probably hadn't bothered Dragon or their mother at all. He, on the other hand, had determined it a good idea to stay put in the deserts to the west until spring hit.

Now that it had, it was definitely time to head out again and search for his family. Who knew what kind of mischief would befall them if he wasn't there to protect them? Dragon especially seemed to be a magnet for bad luck, though Gryphon thought to himself with a sigh that the older brother really just threw himself into situations that were asking for trouble. Maybe that Iskra had settled him down, but he rather doubted it - she'd seemed like more trouble than Dragon and Kharnage and Lykos combined, though to be fair it was mostly the girl she'd adopted that bothered Gryphon.

He took a deep breath and huffed it out on a sigh, but then froze, one foot in the air as he took another searching sniff. He hadn't been wrong - that was definitely Dragon's scent. And his male jaguar friend, too, unless he was mistaken. Good, Gryphon didn't think it was a good idea for him to be wandering around blind without someone around to guard him.

The sleek earthen male trotted through the orchard after his brother's scent, calling out with a bark, "Dragon?"