
Where've you been?



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
07-23-2018, 08:41 PM (This post was last modified: 07-24-2018, 05:42 AM by Tórnach.)
Shifting anxiously on the border and wishing he had Aiden with him to be his eyes in the sky, Tornach waited for his sister, for the alpha, for anyone. Turned out, "anyone" was a little bundle of blood red fur that popped up with an innocently cheerful greeting. Tornach's brows rose in consternation when he beheld the young wolf. If he hadn't grown up with Regulus always there, it might have been more surprising past first glance, but while it was decidedly unusual for wolves to be quite that coloration it wasn't shocking to him. A closer look showed that the pup was a bit darker red than Regulus, closer to the color of blood, and had markings of a darker color, and unlike Regulus this boy's eyes were just as red as his coat.

"Hello," he returned the greeting kindly, lowering his head and bending his forelegs slightly to put his gaze on the level of the pup's. "My name is Tornach. What's yours?" Right now he was much taller than the red boy, but he looked like he was going to eventually be even larger than Tornach himself was, quite an impressive feat considering that there were very few wolves taller than Tor. The boy was covered in fresh scrapes and ruffled fur, and the healer in him immediately looked him over in concern, though Tornach restrained himself when he would have crossed the border to examine him for injury. He might not like packs, but he knew that crossing a border would be unforgivable rude and threatening for them and wouldn't risk setting paw over a border.

He had cause to be grateful for his own restraint when a tall, dark male hurtled himself onto the scene to straddle the pup and speak sternly to the young thing before turning a blood red glower on Tornach, who had reared back in startled reflex. He was no less startled by his own resemblance to this dark, scarred male. The other male was darker overall, but similar in tone and markings, height and build. The biggest difference between the two of them was that the stranger's eyes were a vivid, angry red while his own were a deep, dark blue. It was disconcerting, the more so with the scarred male glaring angrily at him, though the glare softened into a less threatening expression after a moment.

The male spoke, and Tornach's ears flicked back just the slightest bit. That was it? No name, no greeting, just a demand that implied the male wanted him to get it over with and leave?

For a moment Tornach simply returned his gaze with a quieter scrutiny of his own. After the initial surprise of the male's threatening entry into the scene, Tornach's natural calm reserve had asserted itself, and he drew himself back up to his full height to study the stranger.

"I'm looking for Zuriel Adravendi." He spoke with dignity, though his voice was quiet his eyes were intent on the other male. "My name is Tornach Adravendi. She is my sister."

This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

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