
new kid



4 Years
Extra large
07-24-2018, 08:38 PM (This post was last modified: 07-24-2018, 08:39 PM by Branch.)

Spring was back and this meant it was time for him to travel, to gather, and to fill his stock dens. He had just finished cleaning out his storage dens right when spring hit and he knew what needed to be collected to fill them once again. There was plenty of herbs he needed to collect, but there was also plenty of trinkets to collect also. He headed out early that morning heading to a spot he knew held some trinkets. The range was one place he had visited a time or two last spring. Tornach had been one wolf he met and his beautiful set up here with his fences and livestock. He planned to revisit the man soon and hoped to trade with him. The last time he had visited a wolf rudely tried to take down one of Torn's young elk and caused havoc.

He was headed through the old fenced off pasture where the large lake resided. His intentions were to head through the old pasture and head to the large barn where he would search to find odd things, or the old machinery building by the field. Although something side tracked him making him pause and test the air. Another scent was brought to him, another wolf was nearby. His tail wagged slightly before he altered his course and headed towards the stranger. His satchel was thrown over his left front leg and neck and gently flapped against him as he moved.

When the other wolf came into site he let out a friendly bark, letting the other know he was approaching. She was drinking at the shore of the lake.

"Morning," he greeted her when he was close enough.

"Speech" 'Think'