
curiosity killed the cat



2 Years
07-25-2018, 09:55 AM (This post was last modified: 07-25-2018, 09:56 AM by Verena.)


His eyes of crystalline waters landed upon her frame, and although they were vibrant and alluring.. there was a coldness there. One that she had, over time, learned to notice. His lips would part, and words rumbled from the depths of his being. His tongue, too, accented thickly in a language she knew little about.. But the sound of his voice was lovely, the way his words dripped from his lips, the sylabbles pronounced far less... harsher.. then the way hers had sounded. His ecplanation of the land,  sent a chill down her spine, and excitment bubbled within.. Never had she seen a land, set aside for battle. Her ears perked up and eyes widened like that of a curious child as she looked upon the mushy field. The scent of blood thick upon the fingertips of the springs breeze. She could almost feet the warmth of the bodies that fought nearest to them.

I can now see vy others be drawn here. Back home, ve have no land like zis. A land sacred, and created to absorb the bodies zat fall.  

A sickening grin pulled the corners of her lips upwards. Her body longed to engage just as those around were doing. How long it had been since her last quarrel. The feel of flesh between her jaws. Her eyes flickered to the feline, observing him closely. His spotted hackles raised, and  tip of his tail flicked eagerly. Oh my how trecherous would that be if the cat simply wished to join? His claws far more lethal then our own. Unsheathed they were dangerous daggers. She had first hand seen the damage a feline could do, when provoked.

E-enrico. It is a pleasure. As well as you Asriel.

The names rolled off the succubus' tongue, with mild speed bumps. Harder to pronounce, but done none the less. Followed by a politeful dip of her slender crown.

I am Verena. Verena Andre'. Vould you care to possibly join me? The smell upon the air.. Vell, it brings out... how do you say.. da wolf in me.  

Another, sly and devilish grin was offered the man in steel gray. But a certain shimmer shone in her eyes.

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Image by Vhitany