
A Lion And A Lamb



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
07-27-2018, 09:04 PM
"Mmm, fine, three minutes." Malleus paused mid nibble to cock his head and frown. "Only three minutes? What happened to five?" He lowered his lips to her ear and then whispered playfully, "Guess I'm gonna have to try harder." And harder he tried; recalling and seeking out some of her favorite places in the hopes of gaining just a few more minutes with her.

After several moments - when he was feeling like he was on the brink of success - Serene asked him a question. Her tone was light, but the question was a serious one and without meaning to Malleus paused as he considered it. The practical, Abraxas explanation for what came next was that now, for better or worse, she was joined to him for the rest of the season. In good conscience he simply couldn't allow her to walk away knowing that there was chance she carried Abraxas children. Doing so would be irresponsible. Bastard Abraxas were an abomination and he would not - could not - suffer the possibility of their existence.

He hoped their time together would amount to more than that, though. More than just a sterile, loveless means to an end. He wanted more than what his parents had. Malleus had asked Serene before they'd gotten in too deep if she was sure it was what she'd wanted. More than anything else he hoped she understood he'd been talking about more than just sex.

"Now," he said teasingly a few seconds later, "you're stuck with me." Malleus nibbled on one of her ears then added, "Preferably here in this meadow where no one can bother us." If she pressed him he would answer the question seriously, but he was comfortable and a little drowsy and that made him reluctant to ruin the moment with serious talk.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.