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10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
07-27-2018, 11:33 PM

Lately, it seemed that he and his family had been pretty elusive since Talis had been taken. Though it had been a year now, he had practically gotten past that and accepted it. Pack challenges happened quite often, he thought. Dragon stuck mostly to the northern and eastern parts of Boreas, while the rest scattered and wandered about if they weren't somewhere nearby. He didn't mind it though. He liked the solitude at times, and when he didn't want to be alone, all he had to do was howl someone would respond. Today, he had returned to the woods close to the pines. He quite enjoyed it and here, and he felt the atmosphere was pretty relaxed. Even his companions enjoyed it, and it was obvious as he heard them bounding ahead in the snow and climbing the tall trees. He heard the pair wrestling and chasing each other, heard the snow churn beneath their feet and the branches creak with their weight. He was glad they were enjoying themselves, taking time to relax instead of always acting so uptight and wary. He understood why they were usually like that. It was all to protect him from potential dangers.

As he walked along, he heard a very audible crack and froze. Had one of them broken a branch? He seemed to hold his breath and waited for a thump or anything that indicated one of them had fallen to the ground, and hopefully on their feet. But it didn't come. What the hell? The sounds of his companions playing had stopped, and he turned his head every which way to figure out what the hell was going on. He startled slightly when he felt Kimahri's fur brush his own, and a very confused Dragon turned in his direction. "Kimahri, what was that? Are you two alright?" Kimahri rumbled a low sound, eyes wide as he stared ahead. "Yes, we're fine but..." "But what?" " you have a twin we don't know about?" Shiva stepped up beside them, her gaze trained ahead. "What? What are you talking about?" He was so confused, what were they on about? In his confusion, he had failed to detect the presence of the wolf his companions saw not far ahead of them. And they just...stared with surprise.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.