
Look to the Future



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
07-28-2018, 10:10 AM (This post was last modified: 08-18-2018, 05:58 PM by Malleus.)
OOC: EDIT: this meeting is NOT mandatory but attendance is encouraged! I've decided to scrap the meeting for now. Instead, once Malleus is aware of what happened in Eclipse, the Risen wolves will go looking for survivors. The first round ends 8/6!

It was time. Two, nearly three, seasons had passed since Amon left for the homeland. Since then not a peep had been heard from the patriarch or any other Abraxas who might know what had happened between Amon and his sire. While Malleus hadn't given up hope of his father's return, he had decided that it was time to treat the Empire like it was his. It was time to make it part of his legacy and that meant he needed to shape it to his image.

It was time for changes.

Seating himself on a rise that overlooked the creek, Malleus howled for any and all who could hear him. He howled for the pack, for the rogue Abraxas and for the mortals who wanted to be part of something great. Today was the beginning of something grand and any who wanted to leave a lasting mark on the mortal place were welcome to join him.

At his paws was a large takin carcass. It lay stretched out on its belly with its heavy horned head resting on its forelegs. Today was meant to be a celebration of sorts so once the meeting was over Malleus would invite those present to join him in a feast.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.