
Break...away from everybody...away from everything


07-08-2013, 01:51 AM

Still searching, wandering all over Alacritis, going over to each individual territory, searching desperately for any sign of his wife. And still nothing. It was spring now, the light rain giving away as much. The land was beginning to reawaken, flora blooming all across Ala, decorating the landscape in brilliant colors as the life that had been suppressed by winter was now slowly making its way back. Desdemona was still missing and still heavily pregnant. She should've had the pups already. She'd been expected to birth any day now. Had she already given birth yet? Or was she denying her body the painful release it needed until she found herself back in her home territory? He desperately hoped that she was doing fine wherever she was and that their pups within her womb would not suffer any kind of injuries during her wanderings. If only she was home. He couldn't take being apart from her for so long. It was driving him to the point of madness.

Powerful ivory limbs, now darkened with muddy brown water moved easily through the soiled earth, throwing up murky water with step he took, porcelain locks clinging to his sturdy frame, mismatched gems dancing across the landscape he'd come across. So far he hadn't run into anyone yet, but the closer he got to the newer territory, the more he could faintly detect the odor of a second wolf. Pace was halted, frame coming a halt, dark nasals twitching this way and that way, fighting through the scent of the rain to locate the whiff of wolf he'd caught. Male. Rogue. Somewhere nearby there was a rogue male. Always curious as to others were and needing to know that the second lupine wasn't in trouble, Demonio set forth, gliding over the wet landscape, talons leaving deep imprints in the muddy earth as he came across a horribly muddy area, the figure of a small wolf coming into view. It was the young man he'd scented, trapped within the mud, lying down, obviously resigned to his fate of being stuck within the clutches of the mud. Hold on, I'm going to get you. He called out to the stranger, taking caution as he circled around the mud, coming around to the boys's right side. He needed to be careful doing this lest he get himself stuck in the mud as well.

Paws were placed carefully as the white man slowly began to cross over the mud, feeling the substance squeeze into the crevices between his toes. He wanted to jump back out and shake the disturbing mud from his toes, but he needed to help the lad stuck in the mud first. Each step earned him a wet squelch, muscles working over time as he pulled against the mud, refusing to let it pull him under. My name's Demonio and I'm here to help you. Try not to move to much to avoid getting more stuck. I'm going to try and push you out of the mud. Hopefully this works. He spoke in gentle tones, trying to reassure the young man that he meant him no harm. Forepaws struck at the mud, carving a hole beneath the boy's abdomen, big enough for him to stick his head underneath, that way he could get his shoulders against the boy's stomach, making it easier for him to push. Crown was tucked into the hole, nostrils flaring at the clogging scent of mud, shoulders pressing into the youth's abdomen, muscles straining beneath his dirtied coat as he pushed against the slippery mud, trying to hopefully dislodge the youth from the mud and get him onto firmer ground.

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