
Who's ever in the right anymore?

Echo I


4 Years
07-28-2018, 07:40 PM

A heavy sigh had just passed her lips, eyelids slid shut for only a moment to soak up the mixture of peaceful and bored emotions that swam through her mind as she panted quietly in the patch of shade she'd staked her claim on. It was just Echo's luck that the sound of someone approaching would rouse her from her near slumber. For a bit she simply hoped the other would notice her and go find their own spot to relax in. Unfortunately it seemed the wolf was either undisturbed by her presence or still unaware.

Ugh, fine then. "Donchya know it's rude to invade somebody's spot uninvited?" She drawled as she turned towards the intruder, yawning briefly before opening her bright gold eyes to see-

Hold up. Blinking several times in the hopes that what she'd discovered would either prove to be a dream, mirage, or a wolf that just looked oddly familiar, Echo took in a sharp breath. Stunned into silence alongside the already quiet woman who was not magically disappearing, causing her to wake up from this dream, or morphing into something less familiar. No way. No FUCKING way.

Her throat suddenly felt tight as she shot up into a standing position so fast she felt a wave of unsteadiness and nausea momentarily overwhelm her and somehow she wasn't sure how much was the sudden movement rather than the crushing emotions that were threatening to swallow her whole in that brief second. Cropped ears fell flat and brows knitted together to tight she was sure she had the most pained and ugly scowl etched on her face that any wolf had ever worn. Her chest and throat felt so tight, was it this hard to breathe a minute ago? For a long moment she simply tried to find her composure while staring the other woman down with a gaze that didn't waver for even the slightest second. Echo's breathing was a little off, her lungs suddenly felt like pulling in air was the most difficult task ever asked of them.

How was it that someone could shake her so badly just by showing up out of the blue... It made her feel even more weak and powerless than usual. No, no way was she going to leave Echo feeling like she was drowning. This wasn't the wolf that Solana knew before, she was Echo Sandhound, a no good exiled thief who had survived everything that was thrown at her. Coward or not, she wasn't going to be left dumbstruck.

"You look like hell, Sol." Echo finally mumbled, eyes narrowing as she studied the other woman.

Walk. "Speak!" "Think."

Signature by Aureilius