
just around the riverbend



9 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-29-2018, 12:55 PM
Gwen peered out of the den entrance that morning with more than her usual care to peruse the weather. This was, after all, a day she had intended to be a special one. The five pups, though they had had the run of the extended den system to this point, were ready to take their first steps outside. She didn't want the day to be interrupted by an unexpected rainstorm or bear.

The mud that had been so prevalent this season had all but dried up, and even the ever-present mists of this land had burned off enough on this little knoll that it gave good visibility. A sniff at the air, a few experienced observations, told her that although they could expect rain, it wouldn't be until late that evening. By then the pups would be worn out from the adventure and ready to return to the den anyway.

It had been a bit of time since the meeting, and time had solidified her choice of names for each of the pups though she had not yet formally introduced them to the rest of the pack. There would be time for that in a couple days, once the pups adjusted to being outside. No need to overwhelm them on their first forays.

Gwenevere turned and slipped back down the tunnel to the inner room that she'd left the pups sleeping in. She doubted they were still sleeping, though without her eyes adjusted to the dark - and it was dark, this far and around a corner from the entrance that was the only source of light - she couldn't see yet to count if they were all there. She heard stirring though, from at least one pup. "Good morning, my darlings," she called out softly. "Are you ready for a bit of an adventure today?"