
Volunteering to give your ladies a litter



3 Years
07-29-2018, 01:59 PM (This post was last modified: 07-29-2018, 04:18 PM by Argus. Edit Reason: Was informed Argus was not allowed to father litters )

Lucifer Leviathan Asmodeus♂️:

My resident jerk and cannibal. He's only got about 2-3 more years of fertility left and currently resides on the forgotten island in auster. I will not bring him anywhere north of the bifrost due to him having aggravated Regulas and I'm not ready to give up my baby boy. He is useful in trpe plots and if ur interested could potentially take your ladies in under contract that they stay with him and serve him. Litter count resets every Autumn.

Bloodline Traits:(these are usually a must unless you ask me and clear it first)
  • white masks/Facial markings always appear in some form for his line
  • red eyes appear in almost all his children, other colors could include purple eyes(next most common colors), blue eyes and gold eyes(rare to see either color).
  • Natural colors are not a must but he offers it.
  • personality/mental disorders(not necessary but is offered)

Discounts given from him:
  • 25% off height up to 42"

Litter lineup:(accepting 3 per year with him)
  • 5th year
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    6th year
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    7th year
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Samael "Lucifer" Morningstar♂️:

My lawful evil guy. He's kinda gone through a rough patch and from depression could be coming out a little darker. The love he has for his older brother gabe kinda has been thrown back at him and I think he may be giving up on trying for love. He travels all over northern Boreas but occasionally does venture into the east and west areas. He has 2-3 more years of fertility left. Don't expect any rape from him, he is against it. Litter count resets every Spring.

Bloodline Traits:
  • None known as of right now

discounts given:
  • 25% off full abnormal color(blue nose/lips/skin)
  • 25% off albinism(red eyes/white fur)
  • 25% off height up to 42"
  • 25% off regular shaped marking

Litter lineup:(Accepting 3-4 per year unless you purchase another litter pass for him)
  • Year 5
  • Faine Sonora(Summer)
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