
kings are dying like flies



6 Years
Extra large
07-30-2018, 12:34 PM
The shadows of night time were the perfect cover for the monochromatic woman to slink through the lands of the southern continent unhindered. Red eyes gleamed in the faint traces of starlight that just barely illuminated the lands enough to travel. Alis was growing bored and restless, so rather than while away the hours all by her lonesome she felt it might be better to go looking for a way to occupy herself. Or trouble, that might suffice in a pinch.

She had caught wind of the packs of Auster long ago, but until now she had yet to consider a little visit. The smoke and brimstone woman who bore the same name as herself was the only pack wolf she could presently recall meeting, and that just wouldn't do. It was only polite to introduce yourself to your neighbors anway, right? She snickered softly under her breath at the thought.

Abruptly her inner thoughts were interrupted as she arrived at the shore, the glowing waves that lapped at the sand drawing her attention and refusing to let go. It was... well, amazing. Why did it look that way? For a moment pure curiosity and almost child-like excitement drove her to the waters edge in the hopes of seeing something that might cause the water to look so unnatural. While she didn't find answers when she arrived and the glimmering water splashed around her paws, she did find something else odd. A ways down the beach a small, limp looking form was laying still in the water, partway on the sand. Immediately she trotted over. Briefly she thought it might have been a child, which would have worried her, but she soon discovered the faint salt-tinged scent said adult. Hmm...

"If you don't move in ten seconds I'll assume you're dead and pull an ear off to be sure," she warned with a faint, dark smile playing at her lips. If the man was still kicking she intended to find out why he was here. It might be a good story, after all, though maybe she'd just toy with him to amuse herself. He was so tiny and pitiful looking now that she got a good angle to assess him, she figured the guy wouldn't be capable of much else.
