
Look to the Future



7 Years
07-30-2018, 06:39 PM (This post was last modified: 07-30-2018, 06:50 PM by Typhon.)

Perhaps today would not be the celebration that Malleus had hoped for. Typhon knew no better plan than to bring Zinnia to Risen Empire, however he could manage it, and no matter how tricky the journey was. The rain had finally ceased, though by the time the skies had cleared he was far out of reach of the canyon. Judging by how quickly the waters had poured over the side of the canyon, Typhon could only deem their homelands unsafe. He wasn't about to stay around and find out, though.. the risk of flooding was worrisome, especially with Zinnia in the state that she was currently in.

Dragging her by the scruff was a difficult feat, and one that would likely leave her just as exhausted - if not moreso - than he currently was. For a short while he would rest beneath the cover of the forest for the evening, letting her rest.. though with her unconscious she seemed to be resting the entire time he'd been dragging her around. She was relatively uninjured, or so he thought - there was no sign of external injury save for minor cuts and scrapes, though he knew nothing of the bruising that was likely already littering her body. He was no healer, only a fighter, and all he knew was how to survive.

The journey was a long and arduous one, and by the time he reached the creek that made up a portion of Risen Empire's packlands he was nearly ready to collapse. He'd spent a better portion of the morning traveling here, and by the time he saw a small cluster of wolves gathered he hardly had to strength it to make it to them. Carrying an unconscious full-grown wolf had become quite the chore - and he was so sore and exhausted by now he found himself wondering if he'd made the right choice after all. Not that he could go back and change things. His chest was heaving by the time he made it to the group, dropping the unconscious female at his paws and nearly collapsing himself. His limbs were quivering fatigue, and his coat was still damp from rain.

"I- I managed to save Zinnia," he explained, alarmed at how weak his own voice sounded. "She's been unconscious since I found her. Breathing and stirring, but otherwise unresponsive." His gaze was cast to another from his pack, glad to see he was alive and well despite knowing little about him. Typhon could only hope the others had been as lucky. He had no idea if Malleus had gotten word of what had happened, so he'd hastily explain. "The canyon suffered a bad storm. There was a wall of water that washed over the canyon and..." He offered a slight shrug. "I escaped as quickly as I could. I heard a gathering before it happened, so I presume some - or most - were near the top of the canyon, and hopefully able to escape."
© argent 2017