
live & love & don't let go


07-08-2013, 07:46 AM

As they paced he found himself glad he had someone to confide in. Had he been married to Chrysanthe he felt as if their relationship would be entirely business-like in nature. He would not have dreamed of talking to her so openly, even though these things would have involved her as his wife. But as it were, Epiphron was his wife ? and coincidentally enough his love. He could not be more pleased that it was she he got to speak with. He felt bad for waking her, but she could catch up on her sleep anytime. Besides, nighttime was often the only time he could ensure that he would not be bothered by someone else who wanted or needed his attention.

And so as he gave her the news that had been so weighing upon his chest, Epiphron uttered the very same question that had been fluttering in his mind. ?Why would he want to do a thing like that?? Maverick sighed and spoke the only reasoning he could think of. ?Because, as much as I hate to say it, my life is more ?together? than his. I?m married to the love of my life, and am just as capable of leading as he is. His wife left at the end of a bitter divorce, almost killed herself, and his son vowed to kill him and then disappeared into thin air.? Maverick?s ears laid back as thoughts of his brother returned. He?d tried his hardest to forget his sibling altogether. As far as he was concerned, Kamala was the only blood family he had. ?I think he?s afraid that since everything else has fallen apart, Seracia might too if he lingers as King.?

Now that he thought about it, these past few months had to have been hard on his father.. and what had he done about it? Whined about marrying someone he didn?t love. Snuck off to see a girl he did love. He knew he hadn?t exactly made it any easier for his dad. He also hadn?t made life any better for his brother. Perhaps if he?d been more involved with Valkis, his brother might not have wanted to kill their adoptive father. He sighed, slowing his pace ever so slightly as his tail began to droop. ?I think he?s burned out of looking after everyone else and their mother. He?s been doing it all his life. He really needs time to do for himself as much as he?s done for others.? That?s exactly what he needed. Maverick knew had his father not been a King he would have another wife by now, perhaps even children of his very own. He would have less stress in his life, and more time to do as he pleased. As much as Seracia was a gift, it was also a burden. However, it was a burden that Maverick would gladly carry for Gerhardt, if the man would allow it. ?Things are going to be changing soon..? he breathed, whether as a warning or an excited utterance ? it was unclear.
