
searching for a pulse



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
08-01-2018, 06:03 PM
Almost as soon as Kai wandered into the mangrove that lay nestled against the eastern sea, he found himself wondering why the hell he'd decided to travel this way. The rapidly melting snow had created quite a muddy situation, especially in a place like this - Kai had the impression, most likely incorrectly, that the sea had long since overflowed into the forest and it had never recovered. Either way, he definitely hadn't meant to end up here. The male wore a slight scowl as he cautiously navigated through the rows of mangrove trees, making a poor attempt at staying on solid ground. His paws were proof of his failure in that regard, caked in mud nearly halfway up his limbs, and quite noticeable against the pale fur of his forelimbs.

Of course, that wouldn't put too much of a damper on his mood - it was hard to truly bring Kai's carefree spirit down - and the day was too lovely to dwell on anything for long. It was early evening, and the warmth of the spring sun had begun to fade as the sun made its slow but steady descent toward the horizon. The colors cast across the sky were lovely, too, a brilliant palette of oranges and pinks that he could just barely make out through the thick foliage of the luscious mangrove trees. For now he would continue to explore this coastal forest, at least until something more interesting caught his attention, any annoyances he felt fading quite quickly as his attention was diverted.