


07-08-2013, 07:47 AM

Gerhardt had never given much thought to Crusade?s lack of vision on the side that he?d told her to go to. Disabilities such as that were often overlooked, because Gerhardt found it very hard to judge an individual on such things. So, not a second of thought was given to his folly in choosing what side they would attack from, though he would soon recall it after the battle was over. Jaws that were splayed open snapped shut on the meaty part of the bull?s chest, a bit too low for his own good ? but a decent attack nevertheless. Metallic tasting blood slithered down his throat like a serpent as he ripped into the flesh, knowing he couldn?t linger long in front of the raging beast. In seconds he had drawn himself away and back, ready to collide with the bull once more ? this time in tandem with his comrades. The two wolves hit almost simultaneously, Crusade leaping upward while Pontifex focused on the lower parts. Excellent.

Gerhardt slipped forward again whilst the bull raged and thrashed, fangs finding purchase on the thickly lined trachea. The neck of the bull was far more muscled than he?d ever imagined it being, and it was a bit too thick and burly to take out in one swift bite like that of a deer. And so, as quickly and purposefully as he could, Gerhardt began to gnaw at the behemoth?s throat, hoping desperately that he wouldn?t push his whole weight forward and fall on top of him. If he did ? the King would be in trouble.
